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Friday, August 03, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Homemade Scoreboard

My son turned 11 yesterday. On his wish list was a score board for backyard wiffle ball field. My husband and started thinking of how we could make this happen. Then we remembered an old chalk board we had stored in our shed. My husband bought it at a sale 13 years ago. It used to hang in a school. 

He bought pin striping for a car, some spray paint and lettering. My husband and daughter spent an hour or two in the garage and came up with this!  I love the advertising! 

My son was thrilled!!!

Here is what it looks like hanging at the wiffle ball field.........

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Patriotic Fruit Tray

My family is going to a picnic today and I wanted to take something yummy but stay in a patriotic theme. I decided on a patriotic fruit tray! I covered a cookie try in foil and then used....
1 pint blueberries
2 1/2 cans pineapple chunks
1/2 of a watermelon
I kept the blueberries in their clear package so they would stay neatly in the corner. I then alternated strips of watermelon and pineapple chunks to make the stripes on the flag.  Total cost was $7.28.

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Remove Toothpaste Stains

Don't you hate when you are dressed and redy to go and you drop a spot of toothpaste on your clothing? Here are a few tips to get them out.....

1. Move fast! Especially if you are using a whitening toothpaste like I do! It may bleach your clothing!

2. Dip a washcloth into warm water, then use it to scrape off any extra toothpaste.

3. Mix a teaspoon of clear dishwasher soap with a cup of warm water, then rub it on the stain with a clean washcloth. Rinse.

4. If I need to wear the same piece of clothing again right away, I dry the spot with a hair dryer.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Home made shower cleaner

I have calcium deposits on my shower door. I made this home made cleaner yesterday morning and and heavily sprayed down the entire shower at 8am. At 10:30 I sprayed it again. I let it set while I went to work and then to the middle school basketball game to watch my daughter cheer. I came home, did homework with my son and made and ate dinner with the family. I sprayed the shower one more time and cleaned the shower. I could not believe how clean the shower was .... it looked brand new! BUT the best part was how much calcium came off the shower door! I highly recommend this recipe!!! AND... it was cheap too!!!


1 empty spray bottle (i used an old Windex bottle)

fill 3/4 of bottle with white vinegar

fill the rest with Dawn dish soap

Teach your kid to be their own person!

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