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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Works for me Wednesday.....

In an effort to cut down the cost of packed lunches for school, I gathered a few of these containers.........

a cheap can of apple sauce.......

a box of pudding mix from the discount grocery store.....

and made my own individual packs of apple sauce and pudding.

Inexpensive lunches work for me!!


Lisa said...

I do this for my youngest going to daycare. It's great as long as I get my tupperware back LOL

Frugal Finds said...

Lisa, I have the same issue when I send these to school with my 1st grade DS. I try to remind him to bring the container back home. At first he did not but now he is much better with it.

Lynette3boys said...

What a brilliant idea. Thanks for sharing.

Mama Smurf said...

I'm trying to get better at things like this. We waste WAY too much money! Thanks for the tip!

$5 Dinner Mom said...

LOL! Great minds think alike! There are so many bright sides to our power outage...I've still got a $14 off $140 grocery coupon, so now my "re" stocking up will cost a bit less! Happy Wednesday!

Amydeanne said...

love this! i'm working on some of that stuff too!

MamaBear said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. :)
Your site looks so interesting! I couldn't help but scroll through all the posts until I got to the ticker that says 99 days until Christmas. Yikes! Good thing I've been taking $20 out of every paycheck this month to start saving up. Hopefully by mid-December I'll be set.
We try to be very frugal at our house too. (Hence my More With Less posts) Have you heard of the cookbook by the same name? It is so challenging to find healthy, safe, environmental, AND frugal options. I've found that cookbook to be very helpful in cutting our food cost and making our meals more nutritious.

Life in the Crazy Lane said...

What a great idea for when my toddlers are asking for a snack!

Anonymous said...

I need to be more organized. I am always rushing around. We eat too much fast food because I am not organized.

mom_of2boys said...

Great idea! I'm always rushing at the last minute to put school lunches together. If I would spend a few minutes one night, it would be a little less stressful. Thanks for sharing!

Tara said...

Wow that is so creative!!! I bet you really save making it all yourself. The square set of containers looks like the same set I have that sit in a white spin tray lol

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