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Monday, October 27, 2008

Product Review and a Giveaway.....

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

Bloggy giveaway number 3 today comes along with a product review, a little sad note and a gift card! This one is sponsored by Build-A-Bear Workshop.

When I was a brownie leader, I took my troop to a Build-A-Bear Workshop and they all made their own stuffed animal of their choice and picked out clothing to dress it too. It is a great way to sepnd an hour or 2 of your time with a child. It is lots of fun and they have a very nice stuffed animal to remember the day by.

On Saturday we got this in the mail to review. Right away my DD wanted to keep it. I said no, I may give it as a gift. It sat in the box until today.

Our 13 1/2 year old dog had to be put to sleep this morning. DD stayed home from school today to go with me. She remembers putting a dog to sleep when she was 5 and to console her we bought her a Bratz doll. All the crying stopped. Today she said she would either like a new dog (remember we still have a 7 month old beagle who is very wild yet!) or an ipod. I said she was getting neither and passed her the box of tissues.

6/25/1995 - 10/27/2008
May he rest in peace.

When we got home, I remembered how much she wanted this Build-A-Bear. Look at the smiles that brought! She is now busy coloring the special box they give you to keep them in.

Build-A-Bear not only has quality items at an affordable price and a fun filled store but a great website here.... Build-A-Bear Workshop-United States: Home Page. They also have a Webkinz type website here... Build-A-Bearville - Home. Be sure to check them all out!!

In honor of our beloved Rocco, who was the best dog I ever had, we will be giving away a $10 gift card to Build-A-Bear!

To enter... just leave a comment on this post. I will ship in the U.S. only. If you do not have a blog, please leave your email address. The winner will be pulled on Monday, November 3rd. I will use a random number generator to select the winner.

To get a 2nd entry, link to this contest in your blog then come back and leave the link in a 2nd comment.

I will not be accepting email entries for any contests this week! There is no way to number them.

Come back and check out the rest of my blog here..... Frugal Finds From your Frugal Friend. I share lots of frugal tips, great shopping deals and tons of freebies everyday with you.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about Rocco. Thanks for doing this in his memory.

leighforpres at hotmail dot com

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

I'm so sorry about Rocco--I'm glad your daughter is somewhat consoled.

Come enter my Amazon giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your dog. It's so hard to lose a member of the family.


Kristi said...

I'm sorry for your loss. What a nice way to comemorate him. I would use this card for my son's bear since his brother got a new one last week for his birthday and he was sad he didn't get something too.

Mistress Meeyee said...

Sorry to hear about Rocco.I have lost a few special furry people in my time.My cat was attacked by a dog the other day and she is not well.Lily is 15 years old or maybe older.

Nancy M. said...

I'm sorry about your dog. It's so hard to lose a pet.

Becca said...

Sorry about Rocco.....
cross_home2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Kelly said...

So sorry about your dog! We put our dog down back in January and it is so sad. If we won this, my daughter would get it for her 4th birthday coming up! It would be such a fun day to spend time with her one on one since she became a big sister this summer. Thanks! Kelly

Cynthia said...

Its so hard to lose a family memeber. Sorry for your loss.

Denise said...

So sorry for the loss of your dog.

Laura said...

Thanks for the giveaway. So sorry to hear about your dog.

Jen said...

I'm sorry about the news of your dog.

Jen said...

I'm so sorry about your dog. Pets are such a part of the family and it's so hard when they get sick and need to put to sleep. Thank you for this giveaway in his memory!

Kasey said...

Sorry to hear about your dog.

Aimee said...

So sorry to hear about your dog.

Unknown said...

In memory of your pup

Jennifer said...

I am sorry about your dog but this is a great way to remember him.

okbarbie5 said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a beloved pet is very hard on everyone!

Judy said...

I am so sorry about your pup. What a great idea, though, to give your daughter the Build A Bear.

Thanks for the great giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss. Great way to commemorate your dog!

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathies on the passing of your dog.I too have had to see some of my four-legged furries
go to the Rainbow Bridge and it is never easy.
You might want to visit that site as a measure of comfort for you and your family.
You all (esp. Rocco) will be in my prayers.
Peace to you all.

Abby said...

I would love to win this!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

M.E. said...

My son is a big fan of Build a Bear.
You are having a tough day, so sorry for the loss of your dog.

Lisa said...

Im sorry for the loss of your doggie. I had to put a puppy to sleep once because of parvo. :( My little one is a big fan of build a bear, so thank you for the giveaway.

lmkirb said...

We had to put down our 16 yr. old dog last Nov., so I can understand how hard it is. She was one of the family and was older than my son. All my prayers are being sent your way!
Thanks for the Build a Bear giveawy offer!

Amber said...

Sorry for your loss! The loss of a dog would be devastating!

Charlotte said...

I'm sorry about Rocco.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so sorry about Rocco :( Losing a pet is terrible (I speak from experience).
sjbraun at hotmail dot com

Idaho Jill said...

My thoughts are with you-it is so hard to lose a pet. Our 13 year old dog died last year..it's just so hard.

Blessings Abound said...

It's always hard to lose a beloved pet! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

So sad... :-(
But... I'm happy to see them smiling!

Mrs. Olsen said...

Sorry to hear about your pet. That's always so hard!

rebolsen (at) gmail.com

Lisa P@www.isitmondayalready.com said...

Im so sorry about your pup!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Rocco. Hope you all are doing ok


Jill said...

Sorry about Rocco ((HUGS))

We luv going to Build-A-Bear! However, I'm as bad as the kids, wanting one of everything there! LOL.

Thanks :)

Mommyto4 said...

We LUV Build a Bear!

Nomers said...

I am so sorry to hear about Rocco. Animals are truely part of the family.

Momma J said...

I am so, so sorry about your dog. We have 3 dogs and they are a huge part of our family.


Jennifer said...

I'm so sorry about your dog. Our dog is 12 and I hope he has a few years left, he is part of our family!
Thanks for the giveaway!


PS said...

Sorry about your dog. But it is a good learning experience for kids as tough as it is. Thanks for the giveaway.

CrystalGB said...

So sorry about your dog. It is hard to lose a beloved pet.

Wade's World said...

Sorry about your dog. It is so hard to lose a pet.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

So sorry to hear about your dog. Very sad.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Erika said...

Sorry to hear about your dog. Thank you for the giveaway

Niki Jolene said...

Sorry about your furry friend...it is so hard to lose a poet.

ndisilvio at gmail dot com

Alayna said...

I'm so sorry to read about your loss. I know that losing a furry friend can be difficult on the whole family.
Thank you for the giveaway!

Rhonda Martin said...

I to had to put down my beloved friend of 13yrs this past year and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I still miss her terribly as I'm sure you miss yours.They bring us so much Joy while they are with us it hurts when they leave us. Thank you for sharing and for caring~!

Uncommon Blonde said...

Thanks for the giveaway and so sorry about your dog.

I will be back for frugal finds!

Anonymous said...

Oh... I can;t tell you tell how I sorry I am for you and your family. He looks like such a good boy.
My son just got a dog from the SPCA a yr ago and now we are told that Maggie has 6 mo to live.
Animals are a very big part of our lives , they are a very real part of a family.
My son would love a Build a Bear . He's goina need a special friend too.

Wanda said...

I'm so sorry about your poor pup. I have 2 spoiled dogs myself and love them like crazy.

I know how attached we become to them. They really bless our homes.

My family loves going to B-a-B. It's fanasy land for the stuffed animal world.

Shelly said...

So sorry about your dog. I dread that day with ours...though it's far away (we hope). Thanks for the opportunity for this giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dog.

I know my niece would love to go to BAB.


feather k said...

sorry about rocco :( ...thanks for participating in the carnival!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

My daughter has her eye on the High School Musical bear at Build a Bear.
and this would go well toward her purchase of that bear.
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
I would LOVE to win !!

Anonymous said...

What a great stocking stuffer!

Heather said...

I am so sorry to hear about your precious Rocco. Losing a pet is so hard for the whole family. Hugs!

Unknown said...

so sorry to hear about your loss.

Emily said...

Sorry to hear about your loss, that's tough.

Thanks for offering it!

Princesslimey (at)gmail (dot) com

Bethany said...

Sorry about your dog. My daughter doesn't do well with pets dying. We lost one of our cats last spring and that was such a tough time for her.

I'd love to be in your contest for Build-A-Bear. Thank you for the opportunity! :P

Elizabeth F. said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dog! Gosh that stinks.

Enter me for the BAB CArd. I'd lvoe to get Zoe the HSM Bear or the Hannah Montana bear for Christmas! Thanks.

the schros said...

i'm in

CaseyDeuce said...

I'm so sorry about your furbaby...

I'd love to enter for your b-a-b gift card!

Re said...

its always hard to lose a family member :(

thanks for sharing your story and offering a generous giveaway.

Lori said...

I think that we'd go for the koala too. Thanks!



sorry about your dog-((((((((HUGS))))))
would love to win...looks great, please enter me...mrs.mommyyatgmail.com

michelle said...

My kids love Build-a-Bear. This is a terrific prize! I am terribly sorry to hear that you lost your beloved pet.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

Bebemiqui said...

So sorry about your dog. We just had a cat die after 13 years.

Gina said...

I would love to win this. I have never taken my kids there and I know they would love it. So sorry to hear about your doggy. Thats always hard.

Carol said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. (((HUGS)))


Michelle said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your dog.

lilbabypug said...

losing a pet is so painful, my heart goes out to your family. thanks for the giveaway in honor of Rocco.

Sandra said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to be entered.

I am so sorry that you have lost such a big part of your family, losing a pet is never easy.

owatz (AT)telus (DOT) net

Tyna said...

I'm very sorry about your dog.

Betsy said...

So sorry!

My daughter would enjoy this giveaway!

Kristin W. said...

how sad. i'm so sorry. that's so sweet to do a giveaway. i would love to win for my daughter and give her something for christmas.
thanks again for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your dog. Thank you for the giveaway.

I'm the Mom said...

So saddened to hear about Rocco.

Melanie said...

I am so sorry to hear about Rocco. I know how hard it is to lose a furry family member. Thanks for a fun giveaway in his honor.


HeatherLow said...

Sorry to hear about your dog, that's so sad. I'm glad your daughter found some joy in her new gift:)
Thanks for the giveaway. Heather
poncey76 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

thanks for entering me in the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your dog. That is really sad.


Suze said...

I am so sorry about your dog.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your beloved dog. (Two of my family's dogs had to be put to sleep growing up, and it is just heartbreaking.)

olsoncoupons (a+) gmail (dot) com

Forgetfulone said...

So sorry about Rocco! Thanks for offering a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hate to hear about the loss of your dog, those animals are such a part of the family and will be missed.

Build A Bear would be a great place to take my son. Thanks


Sarah DeSalvo said...

Oh my little girl would just LOVE this!!!
junglewife (at) gmail (dot) com

Suzie Williams said...

I'm sorry to hear about Rocco.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway, please be sure to check mine out, as well!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about Rocco. What a sad day :(

Thanks for hosting a giveaway

Kristy said...

So sorry about Rocco. When I lost my childhood pet I was given a copy of a poem called The Rainbow Bridge. It helped me a lot at the time. If you are interested just search the internet for the title.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry about your sweet dog...It will be a sad day when ours leaves us. Thanks for a sweet giveaway though.
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net

Tamara B. said...

It's always hard when you loose your pet. I am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your dog....What a great idea of a giveaway. semtaylor(at)yahoo.com

Han5nah T. the Manatee said...

I love Build-A-Bear. Even though a stuffed animal could never replace a pet, it is a great pick-me-up.

Melanie said...

I posted about your giveaway for an extra entry:



Sarah said...

Thank you for sharing. sarah_jakel@yahoo.com

Julie said...

I'm so sorry about your dog. They do become part of us, don't they.

My daughter would be thrilled to win this. Thanks.

Becca said...

I put my first dog to sleep last month so I understand what you are going through. I have never been to build a bear and this would encourage me to go, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your dog. Pets do become part of the family!

Kathy - mom of many said...

I'm glad the bear put a smile on her face.
bigfamily8(at) yahoo (Dot)com

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

Sorry about Rocco :(

My daughter wants a puppy and we can't have one :(


PastormacsAnn said...

Sorry about your puppy! Sweet way to honor his memory.

love BAB. jubys1mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

This is fabulous! Thanks for the great giveaway :D


Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I'm so sorry about Rocco :( My beloved kitty, who was with me for almsot 14 years just passed onto the Rainbow Bridge earlier this month - virtual hugs to you and your family!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

So sorry! ~hugs~

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the generous offer - I would be very happy to win this!

redpolkadotsgirl said...

sending you a hug. losing a beloved pet is never easy.

Julie said...

I'm glad your daughter loved it! I hope my son would too!

daytoncat said...

Huggs to you for Rocco! it is a blessing to have something to try to brighten your little ones day after their loss.


peony paperie said...

My daughter has never done this ,but I think she would LOVE it. So sorry about your pup.

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to loose a pet. thanks for the giveaway
vickers at comcast dot net

TJ said...

I am also very sorry about your beloved dog. Your daughter giving you a choice of a new dog or an ipod shows she is truly on her way of being a woman lol ;)

joneswifey987 at yahoo

Reva Skie said...

Aw, I am sorry you had to let go of your dog. That is never easy to do.

Sarahviz said...

So sorry.
Thanks for the opportunity.

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

I would love to win this for my little one. Sorry about your dog.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

Ren said...

Glad Build-a-bear could make her smile!

Suz said...

Sorry to hear about Rocco; I'm glad the story had a happy ending though.

txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

Pam's Pride said...

Sorry to hear about Rocco! I am so glad the B-A-B made her feel better!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear about your dog. I am glad the new friend made her feel better.
beccaj73 AT hickorytech DOT net

Ginny said...

The last time we went was when my 6th grader was in Daisies. The girls really want to go back. Glad you were able to give her the bear to help her feel better. That is so sweet!

judybrittle said...

I'm so sorry about your wonderful Rocco. We just had to put my darling cat of 14 years to sleep this month. I feel your pain. Thank you so very much!
judybrittle at aol dot com

Nissa said...

What a nice tribute to Rocco. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Ginny said...

Blogged http://momcontests.blogspot.com/2008/10/10-build-bear-gift-card_30.html

butler1939 said...

So sorry about your Rocco. My little girl (7) recently lost Duke.

Sarah V. said...

So Sorry about Rocco But the Build-A-Bear seemed to help cheer her up really well

Anita said...

I am so sorry about your dog...but at least your daughter is cheered by the bear.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Rocco :( Losing a pet is so hard. We've lost so many of our cats (mostly new kittens) over the past couple years and I [25 years-old lol] cried every time.)

raspberrykitty at aol dot com

(I'm giving away an $5 Amazon gc, $5 DiNGS gc, $20 Cozy Moments gc AND a sports jersey of choice)

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I lost my oldest kitty this year and it was really rough. Thanks for having this giveaway.

Unknown said...

My girls love Build-a-Bear. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I'd love the gift card for my daughter!

Anonymous said...

I know how hard it is to loose a dog. I lost one too. Thank you for your giveaway.

Michele P. said...

so sorry to hear about your dog! We lost our dog after 15 yrs about 2 yrs ago and it is difficult and I know how you are feeling right now. May he rest in peace and always have a special place in your hearts. Hugs....

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your pet. Thank you for offering this great giveaway!

rhonda (at) acedesignstudio (dot) com

Lana said...

It is hard to lose something close to you.

What a great way to bless someone else by giving to others.

franaroon said...

I'm glad your daughter could be consoled by the cute bear. Thanks for the opportunity for the GC

nanja said...

It's hard losing someone you have loved and enjoyed Remember the joy Rocco gave and the great life you gave him!
Thank you for the giveaway


sorry for your loss


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. Thank you for going ahead and doing this!

noreen said...

I am so sorry for about Rosco

Karen Coutu said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. We had to put our little Chihuahua to sleep in July of this year. (((BIG HUGS)))


Karen of the MomDot Street Team

Karen Coutu said...

I linked back to your giveaway here . . .



cvdmvega said...

It is so hard when you loose a close pet...thank you for doing this...cvdmvega@yahoo.com

Anissa said...

What a wonderful way to remember a good friend:)

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Aww I'm sorry about Rocco. How sweet of you to do this in his honor.
P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! :)

Cjnedrow said...

So sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it is when a special pet is gone!

Unknown said...

So sorry about Rocco.

Thanks for the giveaway. My boys (5 and 2 years) and I have never been.

alboston@ juno (dot) com

Proud Mommy said...

Sorry about Rocco. :o( Nothing but time, really makes it better. THanks for the giveaway. My (and myself) love BAB!!

::Sylvia:: said...

Aww...so sorry about Rocco.

My son always wants to go to build a bear and I always tell him no :)

He'd go nuts with this!

Munchkin Makings said...

So sorry to hear about your dog. We have two dogs and I can't imagine how we'll be when one of them passes.

My daughter would love to go to build-a-bear. Count me in!!

Lori said...

Sorry about your puppy, I know how hard it is to lose a pet.

Maude Lynn said...

I'm so sorry about your dog!

kelli at pfrog dot net

Candie L said...

I am very sorry about your pet. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. The boys would love to have a new Build A Bear. I keep bringing their bears to the preschol where I work

tammyduc7 said...

So sorry about your pet.They are such protective,loyal,little angels.What a nice memorial.I have four kids who love Build a Bear.Thanks for the chance !

Uniquely Yours said...

Sorry to hear about Rocco it's hard no matter the loss. God Bless!


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