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Monday, January 28, 2008

A chance to win!!!!

Here is your chance to win a $15 Target gift card!! All you have to do is leave a comment here by 8:pm on Sunday, February 3rd. I will put everyone's comment number in a hat and have my kids draw before they go to bed at 8:30PM. I will contact the winner for your mailing address and then mail as soon as I hear from the winner. Imagine what you could get for $15 at Target!! Maybe you could blog about what you used your $15 to get. Use coupons and clearance sales to make the $15 go even farther!! Now go comment!!!
- U.S. entries only please!

PhotobucketGo here to see all the other great Give-A-Ways going on this week!!!


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Anonymous said...

I just found your website a week or so ago, but have gone back through several old posts and ordered myself all sorts of samples and coupons though your links. Tonight I'm using my Arby's coupon for dinner. Thanks for all the links and please enter me into the drawing!


Anonymous said...

I love your blog-read it everyday and always find a great deal I can try. Love it-keep up the good work!!!

Aimee said...

Love your blog too! Thanks for the opportunity for the giveaway!

huddtoo said...

Just add a comment here to be entered? Gosh, how easy is that?? :)

If I had $15 at Target, I'd have to buy my hubby coffee, as it's the only place I can find good coffee pods. Those things are expensive too! Grr! They have this GREAT hot cocoa mix that I LOVE but they were out of last time I was there. I'm so happy the new Target we have had a grocery area too, such good prices on cereal and things!

Anonymous said...

Target??? I am so in!!!

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!!! We have a Target thats supposed to open in March so I might as well get some gift cards! LOL

Patty said...

Count me in!! I love Target. Thank you!!

Georgia4God said...

oh yeah! I loves me some Target!!

Jenn said...

target, targey so perfect!

Searching For Simplicity said...

This would be wonderful!! I would buy something for number 4 on the way!

Sheila said...

I love Target! Please count me in!

My Trendy Tykes said...

Sign me up! I love Target.


Anonymous said...

How fun! I love reading your posts. Thank you so much for the link for refund cents, I signed up and been browsing all day!

Melissa in Mel's World said...

Tar-jay is my favorite place to be now that they added Starbuck's to their stores!!!

Thanks for the opportunity...count me in!

Melissa in Mel's World

Anonymous said...

count me in please.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win, please count me in!

It's Whimsy said...

Add me to the I heart Target club. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Sign me up!

brandy said...

would love to win this. i'd use it on diapers. sorry don't have a blog

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

My favorite store!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Big money. No whammies!

carol said...

Sign me up pretty please!


Lorie said...

This would be so nice!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog. I check it daily to see what goodies you've found for us. I've also passed you blog along to many people. Thanks for all your hard work.

mattie said...

Target Rocks!!! I haven't been to your blog before, but I'm a fan of the penny saving sites. I'm going to add it to the list of must reads. Thanks! mengels[at]hotmail[dot]com

Jes@beautyfromchaos said...

thanks for the chance to win!

Heather said...

great giveway, love me some target

nicole said...

I can't pass up a Target card. Count me in!

CC said...

me me me!! :)


Unknown said...

I would love a chance to win your Target gift card. Thank you!

Geri said...

Thanks for the giveaway, how fun!!!!

~~Deby said...

Would love this...

yesipray at gmail dot com

Cindy said...

Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks so much!

Daisy said...

Oh, Tar-jay, my favorite! Please enter me in your contest.

windycindy said...

Please count me in. Thanks very much!

CG said...

I would love to win-Target is my favorite store!

Carisa said...

Target is my favorite place!!!!

Kristy said...

How fun! What a nice giveaway.
Blessings ~

Awesome Mom said...

I love Target!

Chelsea said...

such generosity! i love this store...you can't go wrong with Target.



Check out my giveaway, too!

Anonymous said...

Ok- Who doesn't need a Target gift card! Please make my day and pick me!!!!!

Emily said...

I'm addicted to Target, so I would sure love to win this giveaway!

Donna said...

I like your blog! I am getting more and more frugal as I get older.

I'm the Mom said...

Awesome giveaway! You know I love Target!! Keep up the great blog!

Christine said...

I really enjoy your blog! Thanks!

Casey said...

I would love a chance to win this. I just found your blog but you can bet that I will visit it again!!

Kristin said...

Target is the best! Enter me in to win!! delandkristin@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I have been a member for quite sometime and love this blog. I read it everyday. Thanks again for a great website.

Day by Day said...

I would love to win this. Please enter me. Thank you!

Momala said...

I love Target, and I love gift cards! Count me in!

Kristi said...

Love it! Thank you!

Christy Lee said...

Great giveaway. Please enter me!!!

Aubrey said...

add me to the list. I love target.

Deborah said...

please enter me!

Kristy said...

Hi Carol! I found your website through the AOL Penny Pinching message board. I really enjoy reading your blog and appreciate all the hard work and effort you put into it! Please enter me in your drawing. Thank you!

Amy said...

Thank you so much- what a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog everyday! Thanks for having contests! I have always been anonymous before, but not this time.


Tyna said...

Who doesn't love Target?!?!

Cathy said...

I enjoyed your site!
Please enter me into the drawing.

snaphappy said...

Too funny that the person above me wrote exactly what I had planned to . . .


Off to check out your blog.

Anonymous said...

This is great! Thank you!

lstanz3202 said...

The $1 section at target is great for rewards for the kids.Thank You!

Stephanie said...

I heart Target! I am off to check out your blog - looks cool!

Queen B said...

I love Target!! Thanks for a great giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and all the great freebies you find!


dawn224 said...

I'd love a chance to win! Thanks! Dawn :)

(contact info - dawn at kaiseralex.com)

Unknown said...

sweet!Target! count me in!

sydneyauburn at bellsouth dot net

Name: Jenni said...

I love Target!!

budandjenni @ yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I love Tarjay! I might just use this to splurge on myself a little if I won! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

kate said...

o how i love good ol' target. i want to say i would splurge on myself, but it is more likely i'd get formula for the babe or something like socks for my 3 year old!

count me in and thanks!


suzzcq70 said...

I just bookmarked your blog to read more when I have more time. Please enter me in the Target giveaway!

Heather said...

Oh my gosh I spend so much money at Target. I'd totally get myself Rob Thomas' CD though.

Fresh Girl said...

Please put my name in the hat! My email address is in my profile. :)

Londa said...

Oh, I could definitely use a gift card for Target... I'm due in a month and need to stock up on baby supplies!

ljbs3 (at) juno (dot) com

ali said...

that's cool. thanks

Candace April said...

Please enter me! I just moved into a new house and could use as much Tarjay money as I can get!

mamaluxe at gmail dot com

windycindy said...

Gift cards are so much fun! Please enter me in your giveaway drawing.
Thanks very much.....Cindi

Anonymous said...

Gift cards are a great gift! Thank you for your generosity!

Jean said...

I heart Target! Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Target, did yhou say target?? I'm in.

Amanda said...

Hey, great blog, and great giveaway! Please include me in the giveaway, and don't mind me as I hang around for a while.

The Princess said...

I love Target! This giveaway sounds great. Thank you!!

Miscellany Mom said...

yea for target!

Barb said...

I'd like to win...Please pick me!

Erin said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

count me in!

daytoncat said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Kim said...

Please add me! :)

Anonymous said...

this target junkie's in!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Target!

Anonymous said...

It would be used for clothes! Thanks for the Giveaway!

Muddy said...

Pick Me! Pick Me!

Angela said...

Love Target. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!! Count me in!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I love Target. I would use the giftcard to get more storage bins to hide clutter.

Please feel free to stop by my giveaway.


Rachel said...

Sign me up!

Rebecca said...

Enter me please!
rebeccagillespie at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Everybody loves Target. Me too! Great give away!

Becca said...

We definitely love Target!! Thank you!

baileygp said...

Who doesn't love Target!?

Anonymous said...

Bookmarked your blog, glad I found you!
Great giveaway. Please enter me!

Thanks for having this contest!

Please visit My Store The Old Outhouse

Deb said...

Awesome - I love Target! :)

stuff4yall said...

With all the information
I have been getting for all
the blogs about Target.

Sarah said...

please add my name to the hat :) With all my couponing I could really stretch that target gc!


Pdyrholm said...

one can never go wrong with a target gift card.
I guess chances are bigger than winning the lottery but ... sure is alot of comments :-)

Love the give away.


Tricia said...

Count me in. Thanks!


Wendy Sue said...

oooh, I LOVE Target!! :o)

krista said...

i am good at finding target deals! count me in please!

lace said...

Target has some of the best deals around. I love target.

Deanne said...

I'm pretty good at stretching my dollars! Count me in for a win! :)

Anonymous said...

Target is great for baby supplies

Janet said...

Target is amazing!!!

New boots is what I need!

Sharon said...

I just found your site, and can't wait to go back through. Please count me in!

Boomeyers said...

Thanks frugal friend! I will bookmark your website! :)

The Autumn Rain said...

I'm definitely in!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in!

(and now I'm off to surf the rest of your site!)

Aimee Fontenot said...

thanks for the contest...

The Chatty Housewife said...

I would love to win this. I need a purse really bad!


Owner said...

love target!! thanks for the shot!

Anonymous said...

Target is great for so many things...I love their dollar bins. My nephew found some great wooden train cars that connected magnetically...$1 each...according to him there are never enough train cars!

Anonymous said...

Love Target! We are a family of 5, so anything to help save on cost of living!

Melissa~ said...

Love Target...dollar spot first...then the end cap sales...then stationery....heh-heh...you get the idea...

Looking forward to checking out your blog!

Pink Paper Peppermints

Anonymous said...

I love Target! Thanks for the opportunity to win this gift card!

Zaankali said...

Please count me in.

United Studies said...

I would buy some new shade of nailpolish and lipstick! Thanks!

Melissa said...

Perfect! My dog ate my black boots and I need a new pair!

michelle said...

Target has so many possibilities. I usually end up checking out the discount clothing racks for my daughter. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Liz Zelie said...

I have enjoyed perusing your blog. I could think of lots of little treats to spend a Target card on. Thanks for offering this giveaway.

Amanda Jayne said...

Awesome giveaway....please enter me!!!

CrystalGB said...

This would be great. Thanks for the chance.

Natalie said...

Great giveaway!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

Love Target! Thanks for the giveaway!

Glass Half Full said...

Count me in!


Anonymous said...

Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Please throw my name in the hat!

KatyShops said...

You rock!! Thank you for what you do:)

Sweetpeas said...

Count me in please!

Laurel said...

oh what fun - target is always a great place to find something cool!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

i would love to have this! we are moving in 3 weeks and i need stuff to organize my new kitchen! thanks for all your great info--i am learning so much and my husb is thrilled!

Dawn said...

We need diapers!

Jessica said...

I heart Target!

Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

Great giveaway! How can anyone not love Target?! Thanks :o)

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

I really like your blog and have subscribed to the rss feeder. Thank you for the fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love Target, I've been eyeing a baby mobile for my daughter there! Thanks. adavieau@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

This is great, please enter me.


nthornsberry said...

Oh how I love thee gift cards...

Melissa said...

Please enter me! I love your blog and check in here at least one a day! Thanks so much


Swirl Girl said...

Great blog! Please enter me in the giveaway

Traumajunky said...

Thank you for the contest!

Jeni said...

Please count me in! I love Target!

Erin said...

I love Target. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Someone Being Me said...

I love shopping Target for deals. I get so excited when I see those little orange stickers. Please sign me up.

Anonymous said...

I could buy so much with $15 Target. Thanks for the giveaway.


HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love Target. :)

peg42 said...

Thanks so much for the great giveaway. Love Target. Thanks.

sassy2 said...

Toss me in the pot!!

Allison said...

Target is my absolute favorite store! :)

cmay said...

love target!

Teakafrog said...

Great site, great gift!

Diane said...

How handy!

shimmala said...

Ahhh, Target! Hope I win--there are quite a few things I have my eye on!

heidi @ ggip said...

I would love to win. Target is one of my favorite stores. I would definitely blog about what I got with a gift card I won off a blog!

Have a great contest!

Jessica said...

Oh, I would probably get a couple of outfits for my little boy, he is growing so quickly! Please enter me :)

Megan said...

Thank you for this awesome giveaway, I'd love to be entered to win.

Erin said...

Awesome giveaway - thanks! I've added you to my Reader so I will be back to check out your tips post Bloggy Giveaways!!

Brandi said...

I LOVE Target! Thanks!

Pattik said...

Great giveaway, love Target!!
Thanks for entering me!!


Celeste said...


picklemommy said...

Love Tarjay! Love being frugal!

Anonymous said...

target is my fav,im their all the time!great giveaway! ahdrad2932@msn.com

Carrie said...

I love Target, I would buy a new purse if I had the "extra" money!

Wendy said...

My family loves shopping at Target. What a great giveaway...thank you!

(Also, just wanted to tell you I'll be bookmarking your blog. Being a SAHM with four children in the house, and one in college, I'm always on the lookout for frugal finds. Looking forward to reading you more!)

Scarlett said...

I'd definitely get shoes. Great giveaway!

M.E. said...

Your blog looks neat, I'm gonna need to add it to my favs!
I love my Target! Enter me, please!

Lissete said...

Target is my home away from home. I live for their 75-90% off stuff! :)

Tallie Elizabeth said...

Count me in!!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

$15 can go very far at Target! I'd love to win!


Robin said...

gift cards r always a great idea

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't like Target?

Heather Casey said...

I love Target clearance! Thanks so much!

Jenny said...

I love Target! I need some new dishtowels for my kitchen!!!

MAH said...

Love Target!

Shannon said...

Count me in! I love me some Target!

Melissa Markham said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Erin said...

Thanks for such a useful giveaway; please count me in!

emhagedon at gmail

Nise' said...

Would love this! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I would love a gift card to TArget with Spring coming up - they have some of the cutest clothes!

LadySnow said...

I love Target!

Anonymous said...

We love Target! (especially with a gift card...)

rookiem at live dot com

Christine said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

I'm sure I'll be back. :)

Debbie#3 said...

I'm excited to find your blog - I'm really trying to be more frugal. DS is starting to drive and insurance is going way up and we have to replace the car soon...

Lisa H said...

I'd love to be entered in your contest!

Lindsey said...

man, there are a million possibilities at Target.

Thanks for the offer!

I'll be subscribing to your feed. Great site!

Paula said...

Please enter me in your giveaway.
Thanks, Paula

Jenn said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

You have coupons and freebies? Wow, I'm going to have to stick around and look. And thanks for the prize~!

Mrs. Sara said...

Please enter me! Thanks!

Katie said...

Awesome! Thanks!

Janelle said...


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