Hershey candy bars - on sale 4/$2.00, $1.00 ECB when you purchase 4, Sunday coupon B1G1F Reese's Whips
2 Palmolive dish soaps - on sale $1.49 each, $1.00 off 2 Sunday coupon, $1.00 ECB on each
150 count Motrin - $9.69 , $1.00 Sunday coupon
Tylenol liquid cold medicine - $4.99, $1.00 Sunday coupon
20 ct Sudafed - $5.99, $1.00 Sunday coupon - PLUS $10 ECB for the previous free purchases
2 Colgate toothbrushes - $2.99 each, $2.00 ECB each, $1.00 off 2 Sunday coupon
2 Colgate Toothpaste - $2.99 each, $2.00 ECB each, $1 Sunday coupon
Soy Joy - $1.00, free coupon from Sunday paper
Tastykake chocolate donuts - $3.49 - no coupon or sale but I needed them for DS to grab for breakfast (I know it is junk food but everyone needs a little!!)
Total was $42.10
- printable $3 off $15 CVS coupon
- $7.50 manufacturer's cupons
= $31.60
ECB printed for next time = $21.00
I have not been shopping CVS lately so it was like starting from scratch for me. I now have the $21.00 in ECB to use on next weeks deals. The first week is always the most expensive. I should now be able to get most of my purchases for almost free. I will keep you posted! All in all, I was very happy!! I will be sending the reciept and Palmolive/Colgate upc's in for the free bag and sample deal I posted this week.
I just shopped CVS and the soyjoy bars are buy 4 get $4.00 Extra Bucks back (up to 5 times). If you use 2 $3.00 off 10 from the sunday paper and 2 get 1 free coupons...you can leave the store with $20.00 Extra Bucks for $12.00! Yeah!!!!
Thanks for sharing all your great deals. I love this site and visit all the time.
Putting 2 daughters through college with coupon & freebie shopping!
Jennifer, Thanks for telling me about the Soy Joy deals at CVS! I am just getting back into the CVS deals so I may need help from time to time. We never tried these bars so I just got the free one to see if anyone would eat it. That is a great deal though. I think I may need to sign DH up for a CVS card and get him started on some deals too! Thanks for the head ups!!
Wow! Great stuff :) I so wish I had a CVS locally, but I don't so, I've got to settle with Rite Aid Deals right now :(
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There was a coupon in the sunday paper for tastykakes.
There was a coupon in Sunday's paper for Tastykake's but it was for the low fat, 100 calorie or sugar free kind. These donuts do not come in that - at least yet. Maybe soon!
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